Call us and set up a reptile consultation!
(585) 671-2473
(You don't need one, but it helps us out!)

Welcome to our website, we are glad to have you here! Exotic Pet Reptiles inc. is a specialty store dedicated to all things reptiles. We are located at 2138 Empire Blvd in Webster, NY. Our store is located in its own dedicated section of our 7500 square foot Aviculture super store. You won’t find every reptile in the world here, as we specialize in pet reptiles that we feel make awesome pets. That said, we bring in a huge selection of the species we do source and that’s because we believe selection matters! If you have your heart set on a reptile that you would like brought in special for you; we will work extra hard to make a special order happen for you provided we can source the animal from a breeder we can stand behind and that the animal is legal to own in New York State. It’s our goal to specialize in making sure you are paired with an awesome new pet reptile.
The pet reptiles we bring in are all captive breed in the United States by smaller breeders including ourselves. We have established relationships with people whose genetics and overall livestock we greatly value. As we do with our sister company, we limit the number of breeders we work with to ensure that we keep the highest quality pets available to our friends.